Rock That Fitness Podcast

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RTF# 68 Rockstar Spotlight of the Month Ronnie Van Osdell On Regaining Muscle Mass

Rock That Fitness Podcast

Today, we shine the spotlight on the Rockstar of the Month; Ronnie Van Osdell! Ronnie is a newer member of RTF and is making waves both in the gym and with her nutrition. I love her passion for not only helping herself but also encouraging others as she actively engages in our Facebook group by sharing her victories and seeking guidance on exercise form.

Ronnie's story is a testament to the importance of not just being at a healthy weight but also nurturing your strength. Learn how her journey has empowered her to regain muscle mass and overcome the physical challenges of her job as a dog groomer.

Ronnie truly embodies what we envision for all RTF Rockstars… a brave place for women to improve their fitness, ask for help when needed, and showcase their accomplishments without any judgment!



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