RTF# 135 Discussing Health, Fitness, and GLP-1 with Shawn & Janet Needham

Let’s get into it! Today’s episode features Shawn & Janet Needham, pharmacists, podcasters, and fitness enthusiasts from Moses Lake, Washington. Some topics include:
⭐️Frustration of yo-yo dieting
⭐️Pros and cons for weight loss medications
⭐️The benefits of getting the whole house involved in your health and fitness journey
⭐️Importance of strength training especially in perimenopause
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Shawn and Janet Links:
Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy https://www.mlrx.com/
Health Solutions Instagram https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@MosesLakeProfessionalPharmacy
Health Solutions with Shawn and Janet Needham Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2hcL38IQWGXMIAb4dSpGxT
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